Generic client functions

class GenericClientFunctions

Returns the absolute path to the current working directory. Using this function in each (scheduled) execution of the same notebook will result in the same path. This is very useful when you want to read/write the same files on disk between different notebook executions.


The absolute path to the current working directory

Return type


>>> import blueconic
>>> bc = blueconic.Client()
>>> path = bc.get_cwd() # path to directory for saving files

Add a log message for the notebook execution that is running. The log message will be added to the log file that can be downloaded for each run shown in the Run history table that can be found in the ‘Scheduling’ section of the notebook.


message (str, optional) – The log message to write to the execution log file

>>> import blueconic
>>> bc = blueconic.Client()
>>> bc.log("test log message")
update_status(message=None, properties=None)

Update the status of the notebook execution that is running. The status message will be shown in the ‘Details’ column of the Run history table that can be found in the ‘Scheduling’ section of the notebook.

  • message (str, optional) – The message

  • properties (Mapping[str, Iterator[str]], optional) – The properties for the status update

>>> import blueconic
>>> bc = blueconic.Client()
>>> bc.update_status("test update status")