Bulk profile response
Bulk profile response
ProfileBulkResponse is the object that will be given to the callback function. It contains a list of results for profile operations and their cumulative count of states for profiles and timeline events.
- class ProfileBulkResponse
- get_result_by_identifier(identifier)
Returns a specific result by the identifier or None when not found. :param identifier: An external identifier which was passed to the operation :return: Optional[BulkOperationResultType]
- get_result_by_index(index)
Returns the result by the index or None when index is out of range. :param index: Index of result to return :return: Optional[BulkOperationResult]
- get_result_by_profile_id(profile_id)
Returns a specific timeline event result by the identifier or None when not found. :param profile_id: Profile ID to get result for :return: Optional[ProfileResponse]
- get_results_with_errors()
Returns all results containing validation errors. :return: Sequence[BulkOperationResult]
- property counts
- property results
- Returns
Returns the results from operation bulk response.
- Return type
Profile response
ProfileResponse represents a single row in ProfileBulkResponse. The profile response also contains a list of TimelineEventResult, if timeline event operations were performed.
- class ProfileResponse
- get_timeline_event_by_identifier(identifier)
Returns a specific timeline event result by the identifier or None when not found. :param identifier: An external identifier which was passed to the operation :return: Optional[TimelineEventResult]
- property identifier
- Returns
Returns the external identifier for this operation.
- Return type
- property profile_id
- Returns
Returns the ID for this profile.
- Return type
- property state
- Returns
Returns the state of the operation.
- Return type
- property timeline_event_counts
- property timeline_events
- Returns
Returns the timeline event operation results.
- Return type
- property validation_errors
- Returns
Returns the validation errors for this operation.
- Return type
Optional[Dict[str, Sequence[Any]]]
Timeline event result
TimelineEventResult represents a single row of timeline operation.
- class TimelineEventResult
- property event_id
- Returns
Returns the timeline event id.
- Return type
- property identifier
- Returns
Returns the external identifier for this timeline event.
- Return type
- property state
- Returns
Returns the timeline event operation state.
- Return type
- property validation_errors
- Returns
Returns the validation errors for timeline event operation.
- Return type
Timeline event result state
- class TimelineEventResultState
This enumeration defines all possible Timeline event states.
Event is created or replaced in case of SET strategy.
Event is created in case of UPSERT strategy.
Event is partially updated.
Event is not stored because one or more properties are invalid or other reasons.
Event was not found in case of UPDATE strategy.
Event is deleted.