
Implementation of the commit log.


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object Companion
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Entry for the commit log for events.

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The profile property update options.

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Entry for the commit log for properties.

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class TimelineCommitEntryImpl(eventType: String, properties: MutableMap<String, Any>?) : Serializable

Entry for the commit log for timeline events.


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fun addProperties(propertyIdentifier: String, values: Collection<String>?)

Adds values to the property. When the property is not yet present it will be added. No duplicates allowed.

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Removes all entries.

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Add an entry in the commit log for an event.

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Add an entry in the commit log for an event.

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fun incrementProperty(propertyIdentifier: String, value: String?)

Increments a value to the property. When the property is not yet present it will be set to the given value.

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Merge a commit log with another commit log.

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fun save(context: Context, fileName: String)
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fun setProperties(propertyIdentifier: String, values: Collection<String>?)

Sets the values for a property. Old values are removed, so after the call the property will have exactly the values as passed in the values list.

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