
Selector for channels. The component offers an option to select "All pages on all channels" and an option to select "Limited set of channels (and pages)". When choosing the latter the user has the possibility to select specific channels.

Typically used in a dojo template, e.g. selecting the "Where" on the listeners tab:
<div class="bcInput">
  <div data-dojo-attach-point="_mySelector" data-dojo-type="blueconic/api/widgets/selector/locationselector/LocationSelector" data-dojo-props="multiple: true, channelTypes: ['MOBILE'] searchOnFocus:false"></div>



channelTypes Array.<String>, null

An optional array of names of the channel types. Values: "WEBSITE" or "MOBILE".

Location configuration object, which holds the values for the component, like for example the selected channels.

multiple boolean

Indicated whether it is allowed to select multiple channels.

inherited searchOnFocus Boolean

Whether a search is done when the input field receives the focus.

inherited value Object

In single select mode this will hold the id of the object, or null if nothing was selected. In multiple select mode it holds an array of ids, or an empty array [] if nothing was selected.


inherited onChange()

Event thrown when value changes.