
This is the base class that all listener objects extend. This class should not be instantiated directly.

], function(_BaseListener) {
  // ...



active boolean

Indicates if the tab this listener is on is active (has the focus) NOTE: this is a listener version 2 only property

listenerId String

The ID of this listener NOTE: this is a listener version 2 only property

objectives Array.<blueconic.api.data.domain.Objective>

The objectives configured for this listener. Note that this property might be set later than the other properties of this listener. The 'onObjectivesChange' event is thrown when objectives change after initially setting them. NOTE: this is a listener version 2 only property

Parameters for this plugin, injected by the framework.

The whereConfiguration for this listener NOTE: this is a listener version 2 only property


afterSave(savedDomainObject)PromiseLike.<Void> | void

This method can be implemented to hook into the "save" (after) event of the containing domain object. Either return nothing or a {dojo/Deferred}, which is waited on before actually saving the domain object.

Name Type Description
savedDomainObject blueconic.api.data.domain.Listener

The domain object that is saved.

Type Description
PromiseLike.<Void> |
Nothing or a promise/deferred when the function is asynchronous